jmMy name is Kim Schroeder – and talking about myself is NOT one of my fortes.

There’s really not much to say here. Totally self-taught artist who’s never fit in, sold out, or given up on making things work with her craft. No credentials, degrees, references, or guild associations – and no brilliant success stories…YET.

I’ve been an artist my entire life, back when pencils, paper, and paint were popular. Difficult times – always struggling to make ends meet – pursuing a hundred different paths with my talents – never thinking that adult coloring books would be the thing that clicked. There’s definitely something to be said for the path of least resistance!

I’m in constant appreciation of the Internet for assisting me in being self-employed. I’m most appreciative of every single person who clicks the “buy” button – supporting me in my creative efforts! You facilitate me in staying clear of much of the drudgery, being a stay-at-home-mama, sole-provider, homeschooler, and System dissident – and for that I am grateful!
I’m not changing the world with coloring books, but hopefully, I’m filling some kind of off-the-counter niche for avoiding the mundane majority of things – and lots more projects in the works.

dowsing flower1 cast iron cookware flower1 cream in my coffee flower1 heirloom gardening flower1 complex knitting flower1 packed old attics flower1 vintage children’s books flower1 the smell of oil paints flower1 open fires flower1 pouring rain and thunderstorms flower1 cooking with James flower1 tending to the chickens flower1 hanging clothes on the line flower1 being barefoot flower1 purring cats flower1 sending handmade cards flower1 naps in the grass flower1 lazy sunny days flower1 burfi fudge flower1 tree-house forts flower1 moss
in no particular order